Free Training For Creative High Achievers 

Learn The Four Tools Needed To Use Your Voice To Connect To Your Creativity and Your Higher Purpose

Discover The Four Ways To Become Fearless & Unstoppable by Freeing Your Voice... Even If You’ve never Sung Before!

Without Spending Hours in Meditation

 *NOW PLAYING: For A Limited Time Only

Learn The Four Tools Needed To Use Your Voice To Connect To Your Creativity and Your Higher Purpose

Discover The Four Ways To Become Fearless & Unstoppable by Freeing Your Voice... Even If You’ve never Sung Before!

 *NOW PLAYING: For A Limited Time Only

Book Your Calendar

Clear up your schedule and treat yourself to some me-time

Schedule 1 hour

Plan approximately 1 hour of quiet time for this Masterclass.


The 4 Ways To Become Fearless & Unstoppable by Freeing Your Voice... Even if you’ve never sung before!
  Here’s what you’ll learn in this 1 hour training:  
  • What not committing to freedom of self-expression is costing you
  • ​How singing, deep listening + breathwork helps us become more powerful
  • How the voice is a reflection of our authenticity
  • ​How to use singing to achieve higher states of consciousness
  • ​How singing and vocalizing is a form of connecting with your inner guide and others around you
  • ​How to achieve clarity, authenticity & freedom by unlocking your voice 
Meet Your Host, Luz Flaneuse
Luz is a vocalist, composer, music educator, and yoga/meditation teacher with over 20 years of experience. She has taught people from all walks of life to access higher states of self-healing, creativity, and joy through awakening their voices and developing the joy of singing. 

A believer that the pleasure of singing is the birthright of every human being, Luz makes the power and higher purpose that result from freeing the voice accessible to every student.

Meet Your Host, Luz Flaneuse
Luz is a vocalist, composer, music educator, and yoga/meditation teacher with over 20 years of experience. She has taught people from all walks of life to access higher states of self-healing, creativity, and joy through awakening their voices and developing the joy of singing.

A believer that the pleasure of singing is the birthright of every human being, Luz makes the power and higher purpose that result from freeing the voice accessible to every student.
What Others Students Are Saying About LUZ
Nicole Griffin
“ Luz is an extraordinary teacher, guide, and healer. Working with Luz can facilitate breakthroughs in self-expression that radiate into all aspects of life"
Scotty Giffen
“Having experienced Luz Flaneuse’s soul-nourishing sound bath, I am grateful for the magical exploration of new realms, which added to my spiritual growth and healing.”
Naomi Wigmore
I have received such great benefits from her sessions and the healing lasts longer than the session and find that it moved within in for days.
What Others Students Are Saying About LUZ
“ Luz is an extraordinary teacher, guide, and healer. Working with Luz can facilitate breakthroughs in self-expression that radiate into all aspects of life"
“Having experienced Luz Flaneuse’s soul-nourishing sound bath, I am grateful for the magical exploration of new realms, which added to my spiritual growth and healing.”
I have received such great benefits from her sessions and the healing lasts longer than the session and find that it moved within in for days.
Learn The Four Tools Needed To Use Your Voice To Connect To Your Creativity and Your Higher Purpose

 *NOW PLAYING: For A Limited Time Only - All Rights Reserved - PRIVACY POLICY TERMS
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